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An Introduction to the Three Types of Gum Grafts

March 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — friscoperio @ 7:50 pm
Illustration of gum graft being placed on tooth root

Gum recession is a common problem among adults, particularly those who have gum disease or other risk factors of poor gum health. If your gums are receding, you may feel self-conscious about your appearance, and your exposed tooth roots may be extra-sensitive. What can you do to restore your oral health? Your periodontist might recommend that you undergo a surgery known as a gum graft. This procedure has the potential to restore lost tissue, enhance your appearance, and protect your oral health. How is gum grafting performed? This blog post explores three different methods.


How Can Gum Disease Lead to High Blood Pressure?

February 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — friscoperio @ 7:12 pm
Lady shows gums

Oral health issues have been linked to many other problems that can occur in the body. A recent study on cardiovascular health found a strong correlation between gum disease and high blood pressure, leading the researchers to recommend that doctors regard gum disease as a risk to a patient’s overall health. Here’s what you should know about periodontal disease and high blood pressure so that you can preserve your overall health by preventing both.


Chlorhexidine Gluconate: An Easy Way to Manage Gum Disease

January 31, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — friscoperio @ 10:12 am
Picture of a bottle of mouthwash

Gum disease is one of the most common oral health problems that there is. It’s estimated that around 50% of adults suffer from the condition to some extent, and statistically speaking their risk only increases as they get older.

It also happens to be one of the most complex oral health problems that there is, with a variety of treatments suited to dealing with the condition at different stages of development. Chlorhexidine gluconate, for example, is a popular treatment that’s prescribed by all kinds of oral health professionals for periodontal illness. If you’re curious, here’s what you should know about it.


Getting Around Gum Disease: 3 Questions to Ask Your Periodontist

December 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — friscoperio @ 3:37 pm
Illustration of a tooth in an inflamed gum with a light blue background

When people think of dental health, they tend to focus on their teeth. Gums, however, provide the foundation that holds them in place which makes them an equally essential part of the picture. It’s natural to feel anxious if you’ve just been diagnosed with gum disease, especially if you aren’t sure what to expect moving forward. Before starting a particular treatment, your periodontist will discuss the possible options with you. This conversation is also the perfect opportunity for you to gain a better understanding so you can set your mind at ease. Keep reading to learn about 3 questions to ask your periodontist at your next visit!


Periodontal Pockets: What Are They? How Can You Get Rid of Them?

November 25, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — friscoperio @ 5:19 pm
“Periodontal disease” sign next to dental model

If your smile is in good shape, you may rarely give any thought to your gums. You may regard them simply as the frame that helps to keep your teeth in place. If you develop gum disease, though, you may begin to worry about periodontal pockets. What exactly are periodontal pockets, and what can you do to get rid of them? Continue reading to learn some valuable information.


3 Incredible Benefits of Laser Periodontal Therapy

October 1, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — friscoperio @ 12:19 am
a closeup of a periodontal laser tool

When we think about our smiles, our teeth are often the first thing to come to mind—but our gums are just as important! This tissue is responsible for supporting your tooth structures and regulating the inside of your mouth, and without it, you’d be in trouble. One thing that threatens its well-being is gum disease, also known as periodontal disease. This common condition affects millions of people, and if left untreated, it will only worsen and hurt more and more of your smile. Fortunately, it can be treated with the help of laser therapy! Keep reading to learn more about three of the awesome benefits this treatment option has to offer.


4 Interesting Facts About Gum Disease

September 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — friscoperio @ 12:38 pm
Lower half of a woman's face in a gray turtleneck, pulling her bottom lip down with her pointer finger to reveal her gums

There’s no better time than September, National Gum Care Month, to promote healthy oral hygiene! We tend to think of dental care as pertaining only to our teeth, but our gums play an equally significant role. In fact, gum disease is the number one leading cause of tooth loss in adults- even more than tooth decay! Keep reading to learn 4 facts about gum disease and how you can prevent it!


What Do Soft, Spongy Gums Mean?

August 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — friscoperio @ 11:16 pm
person smiling after having soft, spongy gums treated

During your regular dental checkups, your dentist doesn’t just focus on your teeth; they also carefully inspect the surrounding tissues for signs of oral health issues. If your gums feel soft or spongy, this could be an early indication of gum disease, a condition that affects nearly half of Americans aged 30 and older. Continue reading to learn more about gum disease and important steps to keep your gum health in check.


Probiotics and Oral Health: What You Should Know

July 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — friscoperio @ 4:50 pm
woman smiling outside in the sun

A healthy smile is more than just a stunning cosmetic feature – it’s an indicator of overall well-being. Just as a balanced diet and proper oral hygiene play crucial roles in maintaining oral health, recent studies have discovered another potential player in the game: probiotics. These live microorganisms, commonly known as “good bacteria,” have been making waves for their positive impact on gut health. However, their benefits extend beyond digestion, as research suggests that probiotics could also be key players in warding off gum disease.


What Causes Sore & Inflamed Gums?

June 22, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — friscoperio @ 5:21 pm
A young woman showing inflamed gums

In oral care, your main focus is likely your teeth. That’s understandable – pearly whites are visible and eye-catching! Still, don’t forget to look after your gum tissue. You might develop sore and inflamed gums otherwise. If you already have, though, there are ways of resolving the issue. Your local Frisco dentist can even suggest a few. To that end, here’s a summary of what causes gum inflammation and some helpful ways to treat it.

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