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Fighting Gum Disease in Frisco

February 28, 2018

Filed under: Periodontal Disease — Tags: — friscoperio @ 4:23 pm

woman at dental examHave you noticed that your gums are red or swollen? Maybe they bleed when you brush your teeth? You could be suffering from a large epidemic that is currently affecting more than half of adults in the United States—gum disease. This is a preventable infection that occurs in the gum tissue, often due to poor oral hygiene habits. While it is easily treatable and reversible in the early stages, too many allow it to go untreated because they fail to recognize the symptoms of gum disease in Frisco. Without the right care, it will cause serious complications for your oral and general health.

Is There a Link Between Periodontal Disease & Diabetes?

September 1, 2017

Smiling patient in dental chairDiabetes is a chronic disorder affecting more than 24 million Americans.  This disease causes a decrease production of insulin, a necessary hormone to convert sugars and starches into energy needed to survive. This metabolic alteration causes increased blood sugar levels and major body complications. These symptoms include visual and kidney impairment, sensory impairment, atherosclerosis, and impaired wound healing. Oral symptoms also include bone and gum disease, known as periodontal disease.  Periodontal disease appears to co-exist with the diabetic patient and is known as a major risk factor for gum and bone disease. As research on the subject continues, the stronger the evidence becomes showing that patients with diabetes (more specifically uncontrolled diabetes) are more likely to suffer from periodontal disease.  Keep reading to learn more about the links between periodontal (gum) disease and diabetes.