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What You Should Know about Periodontal Pockets

December 1, 2017

Woman receiving periodontal charting

Periodontal (gum) disease affects over 47% of the US population over the age of 30, representing roughly 65 million people. Many patients remain undiagnosed until significant damage has occurred. One of the many adverse effects of gum and bone disease is deepening of the periodontal pockets, which leads to increase amounts of hard plaque deposits (known as tartar or calculus). Calculus formation causes bleeding and sore gums, gum recession, looseness and shifting of teeth, and eventual tooth loss. Keep reading to learn more about periodontal pockets and how they relate to gum disease. If you notice any of the gum disease warning signs outlined in this post, make sure you visit a periodontist right away to explore your periodontal therapy options.


Is There a Link Between Periodontal Disease & Diabetes?

September 1, 2017

Smiling patient in dental chairDiabetes is a chronic disorder affecting more than 24 million Americans.  This disease causes a decrease production of insulin, a necessary hormone to convert sugars and starches into energy needed to survive. This metabolic alteration causes increased blood sugar levels and major body complications. These symptoms include visual and kidney impairment, sensory impairment, atherosclerosis, and impaired wound healing. Oral symptoms also include bone and gum disease, known as periodontal disease.  Periodontal disease appears to co-exist with the diabetic patient and is known as a major risk factor for gum and bone disease. As research on the subject continues, the stronger the evidence becomes showing that patients with diabetes (more specifically uncontrolled diabetes) are more likely to suffer from periodontal disease.  Keep reading to learn more about the links between periodontal (gum) disease and diabetes.

Periodontist in Frisco Explains Gum Disease

May 29, 2017

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Your periodontist in Frisco offers treatment for gum disease.Periodontal disease (gum disease) is one of the most common dental problems we treat with roughly 50% of adults having some form of the condition. While the disease is quite common, it is easily preventable with proper oral hygiene and regular care from the dentist. However, all too often, people do not notice the early signs of the condition, allowing it to progress and wreak havoc on their dental health. As a periodontist in Frisco, Dr. Zachary Carnow will help protect and restore your oral health with periodontal therapy.