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Periodontist in Frisco Explains Gum Disease

May 29, 2017

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Your periodontist in Frisco offers treatment for gum disease.Periodontal disease (gum disease) is one of the most common dental problems we treat with roughly 50% of adults having some form of the condition. While the disease is quite common, it is easily preventable with proper oral hygiene and regular care from the dentist. However, all too often, people do not notice the early signs of the condition, allowing it to progress and wreak havoc on their dental health. As a periodontist in Frisco, Dr. Zachary Carnow will help protect and restore your oral health with periodontal therapy.

Causes of Gum Disease

Gum disease is an infection that occurs in the gum tissue. When plaque and tartar are not removed with brushing, flossing, and hygiene appointments, bacteria found in the accumulations causes the gum tissue to become inflamed and infected. When caught early, it is easily treatable and reversible. However, most people are not aware they have the condition, allowing it to progress to more advanced stages, which can lead to the eventual loss of your teeth.


Gingivitis is the first stage of the infection that occurs when the gums become irritated and inflamed from plaque and tarter buildup. Often the gums become red, swollen, and bleed. You may develop bad breath and some tooth sensitivity. As the infection progresses, pockets will form in the gums that are about 2-3 mm deep. Calculus will form along the gum line and a space between the tooth and gum will develop.

At this point, serious damage has not occurred. With a deep cleaning and improved oral hygiene, gingivitis in Frisco can be treated and the damage can be reserved.

Early to Moderate Periodontitis

When gingivitis is left untreated, plaque will turn to hard tartar, which can no longer be removed at home. The pocket depth will increase to 4-6 mm and the symptoms you were experiencing with gingivitis will become more severe. In addition, you are likely to see your gum tissue begin pulling away from your teeth and your bone will start to have damage. You may begin losing your teeth and experiencing pain.

This stage of the infection is hard to treat, but it is not impossible with a proactive approach and catered treatment plan.

Advanced Periodontitis

When the infection has reached the highest level of severity, the damage is irreversible and quite complicated. The pocket depth increases to 7-12 mm and life will become very uncomfortable. The pockets may fill with pus and you will have significant damage to the bone, causing the teeth to fall out or need removed. The roots of the teeth will become exposed and significant swelling can occur.

At this point, the damage that has occurred cannot be reversed. You will need an aggressive treatment plan to stop the infection to restore your oral health.

Periodontist Near Me

If you show any signs of gum disease, you need to schedule an appointment with your periodontist, Dr. Carnow right away. He will create a treatment plan to treat the infection to rehabilitate your oral health.

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